The short answer is, YES. But, like all things in this fast-paced world, short answers don’t really cut it, do they? There’s no single answer to the question of whether or not you’re being too organized, but allow me to give you a real world example, that also happens to be a personal experience.
Pretend for a moment, if you will, that you’re the captain of a big pirate ship on the open seas. Every day you have to swab the decks, check your charts, and finish a plethora of other tasks. Everything’s fine until a big ol’ shark comes and attacks your vessel. Are you gonna continue spending your entire day as you did, swabbing, checking, and so on? Or are you going to take that shark head-on until he’s “finished”?
The fact of the matter is, it can be really difficult to know when you need to make a design change. There are a lot of reasons that change might be necessary; like re-branding a change of direction, or even business growth. But how do you know when to change everything, or if you should just keep on truckin’?
For the past 2 weeks, I hadn’t written any articles or blog posts. Why you ask? For more than a month, the office has been very strongly focused on a really big design change to… well, everything really. And as the in-house designer, it’s been a project that I’ve had a very big hand in. The main thing that we’ve been focused on, as the title suggests, is designing a completely new logo.