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Garden Savvy

An innovative platform custom built to bring the gardening industry into the 21st century

Garden Savvy is a gardening business / supplier directory with thousands of listings. The Garden Savvy team came to Lumina in hopes of creating a one-stop searchable directory of gardening-based companies. The goal was to create a website platform that not only connects gardening enthusiasts with the businesses that could best serve them, but also provides a social layer for garden lovers to interact with these businesses, and with each other.

After a thorough discovery process where the core user experience was fleshed out and designed, the Lumina team was able to develop a sophisticated WordPress based platform that catered to three primary user journeys. Through this platform, website administrators are able to manage the details of all website pages, business profiles and user profiles, on-board new businesses onto the platform, manage leads, and configure search priority.  For the business owners, we built a dedicated user portal, in which they can edit the details of their listing, see the number of website visits that Garden Savvy has generated for them, and purchase various certifications to help boost their profile’s visibility. General site users also have the opportunity to access their own user portal, where they can track the reviews they’ve left across profiles, access a forum that is completely integrated into the website, and see updates from various conversations that they are a part of, via the dashboard.

The Garden Savvy team now has a fully featured platform that provides its administrators with the ability to operate their business efficiently and interact with users, as well as the autonomy to access and manage the website’s content and other details that are most important to them. Garden Savvy is now equipped to help bring the gardening industry into the 21st century!

Our approach to website design and development projects

DiscoveryPlanningCreating a DemoDev-DesignTestingFinalization

  1. Discovery: We start by working with you to discover everything your website will require to the finest detail.
  2. Planning: Next, we plan the project from start to finish, which helps us provide clear and accurate estimates.
  3. Creating a Demo: Then we create a demo for you, refining it until it simulates every feature you want for your site.
  4. Design & Development: Using the demo as a foundation, the features are all developed within the website design.
  5. Testing & Feedback: Once the first version of your website is ready for review, we send it your way for feedback.
  6. Project Finalization: After we handle all feedback, your website is done, with many options for additions or changes.

Learn more about our approach.

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